Sunday, March 28, 2010

Well this is what you call i got back from cheer camp at 11:30 the night before and then had to do wash and repack everything in my wardrobe all before 1:00 am so that we would not miss our flight. Sounds fun? Oh it wasSo this would be a good time to let everybody know that cassidee and i were known at the 2 biggest idiots on the ship.........I cant figure out why?

Here is actually a normal picture of the family accept for the fact that my dress is like 4 inches too short. I honestly could have sworn it went to my knees the last time i whore it, I mean how much can someone really grow in 7 years right?

Our boating trip was really fun cassidee tipped the boat over i think 7 times (on purpose) and every time we would have some one ask if we were OK even though they knew we were doing it on purpose oh well though. My favorite thing about this picture is the fact that i am fully dressed sitting in the boat.

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